VR-ROI Projects

Ongoing Research on the Return on Investment in State Vocational Rehabilitation Programs


The current project is updating and simplifying VR-ROI models that help VR agencies provide efficient and effective services to persons with disabilities. VR agencies are called to invest time and energy to understand the factors that predict sustained employment outcomes.

Our proposed updated and simplified models will provide guidance about the mix of services that provide superior outcomes and enable VR agencies to examine data across subgroups (i.e., race, geography).

This project continues efforts of two prior NIDILRR grants awarded to the University of Richmond to develop rigorous and methodologically sound VR ROI econometric models.

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Participating Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies include the North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services and the North Carolina Division of Services for the Blind. The George Washington University Center for Rehabilitation Counseling, Research and Education will direct project development efforts.
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About the VR-ROI Project Grants

Current goals and how we got here...

The National Institute for Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) has funded three grants relating to the VR-ROI Project. An overview of each is provided here (from newest to oldest).

The most recent grant is active and is the focus of this website.